
Paid Marketing Tools

Analyze competitors, carry out keyword research, and create compelling ad copy. Save hours by automating time-consuming tasks with Semrush paid marketing tools

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  • Keyword Magic Tool

    Get access to the largest keyword database on the market. Uncover billions of related terms and phrases, spot niche topics, and find question keywords to build the best keyword list for your PPC campaign.

  • Advertising Research

    Analyze your competitors’ ad strategies. See keywords they are bidding on. View ad copy examples from the industry leaders and see what months of the year they were run. Discover new advertisers in Google Ads.

  • PLA Advertising

    Analyze the performance of other Google Shopping advertisers. Discover search queries that trigger their PLAs to appear and their positioning. Explore your competitors’ most successful ads in detail.

Research your niche, find the right PPC keywords, and create ads

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